Moller's Garden Center


Moller’s Garden Center 2014 Rose Release


We have 14 new roses in the catalog this year and they are beauties. They are:

  • BOUGAINFEELYA (from the Look-A-Like series)
  • CORETTA SCOTT KING (grandiflora, rose tree)
  • EBTIDE/JULIA CHILD (rose tree)
  • FIRED UP (floribunda)
  • GOOD AS GOLD (hybrid tea, rose tree)
  • HAPPY GO LUCKY (grandiflora, rose tree)
  • JUMP FOR JOY (floribunda)
  • MERCURY RISING (hybrid tea)
  • MORNIN’ SUNSHINE (floribunda)
  • RASPBERRY KISS (shrub rose)
  • ROSANNA (climber)
  • SOUTH AFRICA (grandiflora)
  • SUMMER SUN (floribunda)
  • WEDDING BELLS (hybrid tea)

They are all beautiful roses and offer choices in grandiflora, floribunda and hybrid tea varieties. With over 200 rose selections to choose from the novice and the expert will surely find something to please their rose pallet. Knockout shrub roses have become a landscape staple in the Desert. The all-mighty white Iceberg remains a favorite as a shrub, a tree rose and a climbing rose. Tree roses make colorful statements in gardens and containers alike. Climbing roses are an interesting alternative to mainstream shrub vines (bougainvillea, etc). Roses do well in all areas of the valley; they flourish in south eastern exposures. Avoid planting roses in unprotected western exposed planters where they will receive the full brunt of afternoon sun through the summer.


Our roses are planted in pulp pots. These are biodegradable containers that help reduce transplant shock. Simply remove the pot bottom, slit the sides, tear off the rim and plant the rose. Mother Nature will do the rest. Be sure you plant the rose so soil levels inside the pot are the same as outside the pot. Water the newly planted rose every other day or so until the roots have had a chance to take hold. Adjust irrigation according to weather conditions. When you see signs the roses are leafing out, it is time to fertilize. Roses are food HOGS. Feed once a month – no exception.


Citrus trees come into bloom as we round the corner into February. January then becomes a critical feeding time for citrus. Use either Dr. Earth Bud & Bloom or FoxFarm Big Bloom liquid fertilizer this time of year to give the blooming process a little extra boost. This ensures more blossoms, more fruit set and more fruit for next season. BE SURE you are not overwatering your citrus. Established trees need very little water through the winter. Citrus planted in lawn areas are often victims of poor water habits; shallow frequent application of water does a tree little good. Remember grass can get by with one time water, 2-3 times weekly. You may choose to deep water citrus every other week to send the roots deep into the soil.


No trimming this time of year. We still have lots of potential cold weather ahead of us. Check your irrigation to be sure you are not using more water than you need to. Watch for garden pests; they are generally quiet during cold weather but will feast on new growth. Bring us a clipping, we will identify the problem and send you home with a solution. Enjoy your garden.


We have just received a new shipment of Mike Cone ceramics. New colors, new shapes – these pieces are created for cactus and succulent plantings. We find all sorts of uses for these creative, whimsical vessels of high design.

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